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Lesley N. Gurney

 Speech-Language Pathologist

Leanne and I have worked together as a team for over 7 years now. On a daily basis I am amazed with the outcomes of her intuitive and supportive style with kids and families.


As a Speech- Language Pathologist I work several times a week with Leanne and have grown both personally and professionally as a result of her knowledge and dedicated approach.


Leanne's work and ethics are of the highest quality. She is responsible for creating sensory and motor programs, connecting with families and their support systems and for collaborating with our community.


Simply put, Leanne has high standards and extraordinary knowledge. I would without hesitation recommend Leanne as a unique and outstanding Occupational Therapist.  



When my son was diagnosed with autism at age 3 Leanne came highly recommended to us. Soon after my son began seeing Leanne I understood why.


Seeing her was like I was being given a pair of corrected lenses to view my son through. She taught me that my son’s behaviour was actually sensory overload and guided me in adapting tasks accordingly and gradually reintroducing things until he learned to process them.


She has an amazing ability to foster a deep relationship with children while never making them feel like they are in a therapy session. Five years later and my son still looks forward to his “play dates” with Leanne and I look forward to all the great advice and wisdom she continually gives me. 


She has taught and continues to teach us how to walk through this world of autism. All the while most people around us have no idea he has the diagnosis because he functions so well.


I largely attribute his astounding progress to Leanne, whom I refer to as the “child whisperer” because she truly is!

Rhonda Henry


We have been fortunate enough to have worked with Leanne since 2015, moving to Dream Big Therapy Services at its inception.


It was so encouraging to finally find someone who "got" our girl.  Our lovely had a tendency to burn through people rather quickly, often deciding within minutes of meeting you, if she 'liked' you or not.  Leanne was the first, and frankly, the only therapist to have a lasting relationship with us.


I attribute this to many things, but a couple of key reasons are her understanding of the importance of building a relationship with our Angel first - she persevered through several really tough sessions in order to gain our girl's love.


As well, over the years, I have found it so frustrating, as a parent, to not be considered in the treatment plan for our child.

Leanne has always been very open and receptive to my opinions and suggestions, treating me as the expert on my child while many others do not.


Thank you Leanne for all that you continue to do for us.

Michelle Graves


I have had many experiences with OT through the years. The little girls we have in our home has been connected to OT since the the age of 6 months.


I can honestly say that with the issues she faced I don’t know where we would be....from eating and drinking issues, rolling and crawling issues ...just the support given to us to say “keep going” Leanne Godwin came into our lives a year ago...I admit I was concerned about a “new person” entering this little girl's life as change and transition have always been a struggle. From the first meeting it was obvious that Leanne was meant to be on our team.


The easy going non intrusive way she has with children is amazing, our little one felt at ease almost instantly which is a very rare occurance. Along with that and over the course of the year I have seen Leanne’s willingness to think outside the box when it comes to the kids she works with. The commitment she has to the children she works with is more apparent all the time.


Her gym/office offers a warm fun environment in which the kids can learn/play and practice. She has become my “go to” on so many issues..toileting, eating, social. She seems to pick up on issues (or non-issues) quickly and comes up with a plan.


We have many team members that help in the daily living, all important to the success of children, but in my opinion OT encompasses whole daily living with strategies, exercises etc. I highly recommend the services of Leanne and all her knowledge.

Melissa Oatway                                  Parent

Leanne Godwin is a rare, gifted, treasure who was recommended to us by our homeschool we are with. What an answered prayer she has been for us. My son, Solomon who is now 9 years old and myself have had the privilege for a little over a year now to have Leanne as Solomon's OT.


Solomon has Autism and struggles with many different autistic behaviors. To list a few, he has struggled with anxieties, social skills, meltdowns, a sleeping disorder, and fine motor skills. Leanne has been able to help with all of these. She travels an hour and a half to come to us in our home every other week just to help ease Solomon's anxieties around traveling.


She has formed a trust between them so much that he can't wait for her to come. I Quote:" When does Leanne come, she is the nicest lady in the whole world!" She is so creative in how she works with Solomon, that he has no idea he is doing therapy. Just an example, over Christmas holidays she built the coolest gingerbread house with Solomon which helped him with his fine motor skills, his focus, and even social skills. It gave him a real sense of achievement and pride.


She has given us suggestions for sleep and calming techniques for during meltdowns, one being pressure and helped us find some useful products that have really made a difference. ie. a weighted blanket, and a steam roller. Solomon has really shown progress since working with Leanne, now when she is here he doesn't stop talking and is so expressive and can't wait to get started and see what fun stuff she has planned to do with him.


Apart from how wonderful she has been with our  son, she has been an amazing support system to our family, particularly myself. She has always been just a phone call away any time of the day. She has a passion and a heart for her job and I would recommend her any day.

Kelly Brown


My son Joel, has a dual diagnosis of Down's Syndrome and autism.


We struggled for a long time to find an OT that could help Joel and us work through some of his unique challenges.

We found that person in Leanne Godwin of Dream Big Therapy Services. People who have known Joel for awhile have commented on more than one occasion how Joel has "woken up" in the past few years.


He engages at a higher level and is more interested in exploring the world around him.


Thank you Leanne!



We have worked with Leanne for 7 years now. I have 2 children with ASD and sensory processing issues. 


I say WE, in the context the whole family, because as much as Leanne works with the children, she works with the caregiver to educate and support around ways to look at the child and honor what is happening for them.


Leanne is helpful in facilitating a different way of looking at the world of autism and sensory processing and how better to help the child. As the child matures, so do their needs.


And so I am thankful we have been able to have this opportunity.


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Dream Big Therapy

Our therapy services are here to provide you with the tools to help your child thrive, from the moment of diagnosis, to school age, and beyond.

© 2021-2024 DREAM BIG THERAPY 

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